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February 11, 2022


A Very Stink Free VALENTINE

Roses are red. 
Green is bamboo. 
Here is a Valentine 
From us to you!

Once upon a time in a land far away 

We discovered bamboo can grow 3 feet a day!


Bamboo is a grass, but it’s stronger than wood.

It saves trees, and time, and does a whole lot of good.


You can find it everywhere nowadays

It can be used in such versatile ways!


But Bamboo Charcoal is one of the stars

That gives such power to products like ours.


It comes in a pouch that you place anywhere

that STINK has invaded your surrounding air!


In a closet, a drawer, a bin or a shoe

A fridge or a freezer and a gym bag too.


Where Spot likes to sleep, where a laundry pile grows

Ever Bamboo is like a salve for the nose!

No toxic chemicals. No perfumey smells

Just one ingredient that does its job well.


And since we enjoy sustainable living.

Ever Bamboo is the pouch that keeps giving!


Just pop it outdoors under direct sunlight

2 hours per side, and then on with the plight!


Now after a year of reusable splendor

It has an afterlife it has yet to render!


These powerful granules are ready to toil

As they regulate moisture levels deep in the soil.


Just cut the pouch open and sprinkle away

And watch your garden grow happily each day!


So as you can see, the love is strong

We are proud of this journey and love having you along!

To thank you, and show you just how we feel. 

Here’s a valentine’s day code that’s one heck of a deal.

10% on any deodorizer and dehumidifier that you LOVE!


Happy Valentine's Day! 

Love, Team EB


Enjoy 10% OFF with code "vday2022_10" on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products starting now until February 21, 2022.


Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

December 11, 2021



A Christmas Story.

Once upon a time in a land far away

A man named Clause was preparing his sleigh.


The gifts were all wrapped and his belly was full

The reindeer were ready for the all night pull.

But something was amiss on this one Christmas Eve.

There was a stink in the air he just couldn't believe!


He wandered the workshop sniffing away

Searching for clues to this ‘stink’ of dismay


He soon found his elves in a bit of a quandary

It had been WEEKS since they did their laundry.


Now Santa understood Elvin chores were neglected

In the rush of Christmas, it was to be expected!


They tried candles of pine and a peppermint spray

But these things could not keep the STINK away!


So Santa knew what he had to do...



On counters, in stockings, in closets and shoes

In trash bins and fridges and Elfin drawers too!


The jingle bells rang and the room filled with Glee

Big happy smiles were all you could see!


And the Christmas Spirit now filled the air

Replacing the stink that used to be there.


Mrs. Claus gave a nod of approval

And the Elves were in AWE that the stink was bamboozled!


Santa climbed on the sleigh in his big red coat

Pleased with himself -  but not one to gloat;)

And we heard him exclaim as he rode out of sight

EVER BAMBOO FOR ALL - and to all a good night!


From our Ever Bamboo family to yours we wish you 

A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Team Ever Bamboo


Enjoy 15% OFF with code "SANTASGOODLUMPSOFCOAL15" on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products starting now until December 27, 2021.

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

November 23, 2021


The Little Pouch That Gives Big

It feels almost surreal that we are officially in the Holiday Season once again. 

But here we are, on the verge of another Thanksgiving celebration. Whether we are traveling to - or expecting the arrival of - friends and family, chances are we have a LOT to be grateful for this year.

 We wanted to let you know that the thing we remain most grateful for at Ever Bamboo - is YOU! Without you, this journey would not have been possible… and we remain so thankful that we are still on it together. 

Many, many years ago, we had a vision of bringing a safe, non toxic, pet and people friendly solution for stink into the mainstream. We wanted to start a movement towards greener, more sustainable living, while dealing with the very real problem of STINK! 

And so far, we’re killing it (the stink that is:) 

For years, we as consumers were told there were very few choices for dealing with household odours and every day stinks (shoes, gym bags, trash bins, refrigerators, closets - you get the drift). Most of them included toxic chemicals and heavily perfumed products that masked must and odours, rather than eliminated them. 

But this was not the case for Ever Bamboo. Our bamboo charcoal pouches offered a truly sustainable and safe way to eliminate odours, must and humidity by simply using bamboo charcoal filled pouches that could be placed ANYWHERE there was an unpleasant odour, or an excess of moisture. Known as nature’s odour eater, bamboo charcoal is made from rapidly growing bamboo plants. Due to their porous properties, the charcoal granules grab and absorb odours and moisture from the air wherever they are placed. It is that easy. You can say goodbye to over-perfumed candles and plug-ins, and harsh chemicals for good! 

 But the best part is, that by simply putting each pouch in direct outdoor sunlight for two hours on each side, they are reactivated and will go on to last for up to a year with this easy, monthly maintenance. Cherry on top? Even when they’re done, they’re really not done. Just cut open the used pouches after a year, and sprinkle the granules into your garden or terrarium where they will live on to help regulate moisture in the soil. 


It’s like The Little Pouch That Could.


And in the spirit of continued giving, enjoy 25% OFF with code "black2021" on all of products starting now until the end of November 2021.

From all of us, to all of you, we wish you a Happy, stink free Thanksgiving.

Team Ever Bamboo

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

October 29, 2021


Time To GHOST The Stink!

….Because WE put the BOO in BamBOO!

Spooky Season is indeed upon us, and for many, the haunting stench of stink is lurking in the background of our everyday lives. And while ‘masks’ are all the rage this time of year during halloween - masking STINK is not! Luckily, the ghostbusters of must and odour have arrived in the form of Ever Bamboo Charcoal Pouches. And it’s time to slay.

As the weather gets chillier for many of us - we are scrambling to bask in the last few weeks of milder weather before winter renders us iced! Perhaps the laundry pile sits a little longer. Or the fridge goes a few extra days without disposing of the now ‘ghoulish’ smelling leftovers. And who wants to clean out the gym bag when we could be outside jumping in skyscraper height leaf piles! This time of year, we are ‘falling’ into autumn - and that means the spell of stink could be on the rise.

Bamboo Charcoal is one of nature’s hardest working dehumidifiers and odour busters. Made from the rapidly growing bamboo plant, use of our Ever Bamboo products are a long term, sustainable way to deal with must and odour without chemicals, toxins or the heavy perfumes often found in sprays and candles. Just one single ingredient that is safe for our family, pets and homes. Got it, pumpkin?

Popping a pouch in your stinky laundry bin, trash can, closet, fridge, freezer or the sports bags that go unattended for days - will put the skeletons of STINK back in the closet for good. 

And the best part? They last for a full year with proper care ( just put the pouch in direct outdoor sunlight for 2 hours on each side) and after the year is up, the pouches can be cut open to release the charcoal granules into your gardening soil where they will continue to regulate moisture. How’s that for a haunting!

So let us help you banish the ghosts of stink forever.  We trick you not with this special Halloween TREAT for your goody bag! ENJOY 10% OFF with code BOO202110 on our deodorizer & dehumidifier products. Valid until November 8, 2021. 

Have a Happy, Stink Free Halloween!
Team Ever BamBOOOOO!

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

September 02, 2021


Rethink The STINK!

It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to an end - AGAIN! Is it just us here at Ever Bamboo, or does it feel like time went from never ending months of winter, to a spring and summer that literally took flight and left us in the stink of things ;)

Once again the school year is fast approaching and not without its concerns and eerily familiar circumstances. But one thing will never change, and that is that life, no matter how many twists and turns it throws at us, goes on. And so we go on too…

As parents, teachers and children of all ages prepare for the return to the classroom, Ever Bamboo would like to offer a few tips to keep at least one thing on track. STINK.

Whether filling the tank up for weekend road trips to sporting events, or filling the lunch box up with food for thought - life in all its forms can get stinky. So while we cannot control what happens, we do have a little control over how it smells ;)

Sports bags, lunch bags, locker rooms, dorm laundry, pets, garbage bins, closets and drawers ALL need a little of that back to school love too. Just one pouch will absorb moisture and odours for 2 months! After that, simply expose the pouch of activated charcoal granules to 2 hours of direct outdoor sunlight on each side - and it’s good to go for another 2 months! Continue this for up to one year, then cut the pouch open and release the charcoal granules into your garden where they will help regulate the moisture in the soil. 

Now, more than ever before - reusable, recyclable, sustainable products are in high demand. We feel it is important to keep spreading our message of sustainability and ease so that more people realize that they DO have a choice when it comes to keeping our families, pets and homes safe and clear of toxic substances often found in over the counter sprays and candles.

We urge everyone to #RethinkTheStink and make the safer choice.

To celebrate the return of the school year, Ever Bamboo is offering 10% off all deodorizers. Use the code BACKTOSCHOOL10 at checkout, valid until September 13, 2021.

Looks like another A+ in Stink 101 this year!

Have a happy, stink free day,
Team EB


Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

June 25, 2021


Bamboo: A Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Plant for All Aspects of Living

When it comes to choosing natural materials for products and buildings that have a range of positive environmental benefits, there’s nothing quite like bamboo.
 This plant is a durable and natural sustainably sourced material that can be used for a variety of applications from flooring and walls in construction to towels, toothbrushes, and everything in between. Not only is bamboo exceptionally durable, but it’s also an affordable and environmentally friendly alternative to many other materials available today. Bamboo grows extremely fast  so fast, that some species can grow as quickly as 1.5-inches per hour! Although this fast-growing plant is often used as a building material, it also has many other positive social and economic uses and impacts as well.

Bamboo is one of the most prolific growing plants on earth and can be found in the tropical and subtropical regions throughout Asia, Africa, America, and many other continents and countries across the globe. Because bamboo is such an easy plant to grow and harvest, it has helped to create a housing revolution in parts of the world where shelter is needed most. This rugged plant can be used to manufacture flooring, walls, scaffolding, and more. It’s light in weight, easily transported, and exceptionally flexible which makes it ideal for use in a variety of structures. All of these factors combine to make bamboo an integral part of modern living. Let’s take a closer look at the environmental and sustainable impacts of bamboo and other ways it can be used to make the products that people enjoy every single day.

The Environmental Impacts of Bamboo

If you’re looking for a material that’s in line with your eco-friendly lifestyle, bamboo is a top choice. This plant is a rapidly renewable resource, which means that it doesn’t suffer from issues like logging or deforestation, as many other plant species do. The term rapidly renewable resource simply means that it’s sustainable, fast-growing, and replenishes itself at a much faster rate than some other natural materials used in manufacturing and construction. Bamboo regrows and replaces itself quickly, reducing the demand for fast-depleting materials like lumber found in traditional forests and standard trees. For example, a bamboo plant can grow to full size in just under four months (or less), while most trees may take up to 30 years or more before they reach full size. It can be grown, harvested, and re-grown much more quickly than trees while helping to preserve our precious environment in the process.

In addition to its sustainability, bamboo actually absorbs twice as much carbon dioxide as trees. It acts as a “carbon sink,” meaning that bamboo forests (called groves) can help to absorb the environmental impacts of air pollution caused by greenhouse gases. This incredible plant also generates an impressive amount of oxygen, totaling approximately 30-percent more than most other species of plants and trees. Growing and harvesting bamboo contributes to biologic carbon sequestration, a process where plants safely store carbon dioxide to help offset the amount that goes into the atmosphere. Of course, the eco-friendly process of harvesting bamboo is what makes it a popular choice for many today. The plant is harvested in a safe, renewable, and sustainable manner that reduces deforestation and habitat destruction.

Facts About the Sustainability of Bamboo

Now that you know more about why bamboo is such an eco-friendly choice and why it’s good for the environment, let’s check out some fast facts regarding the sustainability aspects of this incredible plant.

It’s pest-resistant. Because bamboo is easy to grow and extremely tough, it rarely suffers from pest-related issues and diseases. These plants can be grown without the use of pesticides to keep them protected from harm. Bamboo plants grow quite easily, which means they can be farmed without the need for chemical fertilizers that can cause harm to the soil and water supply.

It saves water. Growing bamboo requires no irrigation, which saves water. It rarely needs to be replanted and grows so fast that it can be replenished and fully harvested in just three to five years.

It produces oxygen. A grove of bamboo produces between 30-35 percent more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees while sequestering (absorbing) carbon dioxide. It’s also carbon-neutral, helping offset the effects of climate change. Bamboo is a critical part of maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere.

It prevents soil erosion. The roots of bamboo plants spread out underground to form a dense network that helps to work as an effective soil erosion inhibitor.

It grows in many environments. Bamboo grows in a wide range of environments across the globe, making it more easily accessible to people over larger areas without the need for excess transportation or manufacturing.

Lower environmental impact in processing. Turning bamboo into fiber for fabrics and other materials has a much lower environmental impact than other types of fibers, particularly synthetic fibers like polyester or rayon which require petroleum to make them. In fact, growing bamboo to make fabrics is better than cultivating cotton, which requires the use of pesticides, large volumes of water, and machinery to harvest.

Uses for bamboo

Bamboo can be used for a huge variety of applications for modern-day living, from building homes to the tableware you use every day.

Houses. Certain bamboo species are almost as strong as steel in regard to tensile strength and have almost twice the compression ratio of concrete. Countries all over the globe have been using bamboo to construct homes for centuries. Today, this ultra-durable plant can be found in modern hotels, schools, homes, and even some bridges! Bamboo is extremely lightweight and has high elasticity, which also makes it ideal for use in areas where hurricanes, earthquakes, and typhoons are common. It can absorb the impacts from seismic quakes and high winds even better than concrete and steel, which are both much more rigid and a lot less flexible.

Floors. Bamboo is a popular choice for flooring, thanks to its durability and beautiful aesthetic. You’ll find bamboo as a flooring material for kitchens, living rooms, and bedrooms, thanks to its ability to resist scratches. This material makes beautiful flooring for those who are looking for a more environmentally friendly choice to use in their homes. It’s tough enough to use in commercial areas, and costs less than traditional hardwood floors.

Furniture. Choose bamboo for patio furniture to enjoy a beautiful addition to your outdoor space. Since bamboo doesn’t swell or warp when it gets wet, this material is an excellent choice for both indoor and outdoor furniture. It holds its shape and doesn’t show scratches or damage easily, making it a great long-term investment for your home.

Clothes/Bedding. Not only is bamboo much more eco-friendly for clothing and bedding, but it’s also extremely soft. The fibers of bamboo are round and smooth, which makes them ultra-soft against the skin. Bamboo bedding and clothing are also hypoallergenic, so they won’t cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction.

Mattresses. Bamboo mattresses are comfortable and hypoallergenic, and they’re cool, making them a great option if you suffer from night sweats or get hot in the middle of the night. These mattresses do an excellent job of keeping you cool and comfortable while providing you with full-body support throughout the night as you sleep. You can rest peacefully, knowing that your mattress is made without toxic chemicals and offers a safer sleeping surface.

Bathroom. Aside from bathroom flooring, bamboo is also an excellent substitute for a traditional bath rug or bathmat. Use a bamboo bath and shower mat when you step out of the tub or shower to enjoy excellent absorption and a sturdy surface to stand on. Look for an elevated bamboo mat that adds a refined look to your bathroom and prevents the growth of mold and mildew at the same time.

photo credit:

Utensils and Tableware. Bamboo utensils and tableware are beautiful, eco-friendly, and biodegradable. These kitchen accessories are highly durable for use in cooking and eating. You can also take bamboo utensils with you when hiking, thanks to their lightweight construction.

Must-have bamboo items for the home

Here are some more benefits of bamboo and how this plant is used to make many of the items you use throughout the home. Swapping to bamboo versions of these common household items is a good way to reduce your carbon footprint.

Toilet Paper. Bamboo toilet paper is soft, septic-safe, and biodegradable. It also requires fewer resources to make, which means it’s a more eco-friendly choice than traditional toilet paper.

Sheets. Swap your traditional fabric sheets for bamboo, and experience unbelievable softness. Bamboo sheets keep you cool and comfortable, and they’re also hypoallergenic and free of chemicals.

Toothbrush. Look for toothbrushes made with a bamboo handle to help reduce harmful waste. Since bamboo is biodegradable, your toothbrush won’t sit in a landfill as plastic toothbrushes will.

Towels. Try bamboo towels in the bathroom, and experience their cushy softness and amazing absorbing properties that help you dry off faster.

Straws. Start using reusable bamboo instead of traditional plastic straws, and you’ll contribute to a greener world and reduce your household waste and carbon footprint.

Sunglasses. Bamboo sunglasses are stylish, lightweight, and sustainable. Switch to these sunglasses for a new way to enjoy effective eye protection that’s good for the planet, too.

Chopping board and bowls. Use bamboo chopping boards to get a durable, scratch-free prep surface for cooking. Bamboo bowls are beautiful, and they’re shatter-proof, eco-friendly, and easy to clean.

Cutlery. Try bamboo cutlery in the kitchen. This alternative material won’t scratch your pots and pans, it’s completely heat-resistant, and it’s also antimicrobial.

Razor. Try a bamboo razor with replaceable blades for a more sustainable way to shave. These razors are long-lasting and contribute to a cleaner, greener world.

Hairbrush. Look for a bamboo hairbrush that features a bamboo handle and bristles. The soft bristles will detangle your hair, reduce frizz, and help distribute the natural oils from your scalp throughout your hair to reduce split ends.

Cups and jars. Use a bamboo cup to enjoy your favorite hot and cold beverages instead of disposable cups. Bamboo jars are great for storing food and non-perishable items while keeping your food safe. Since bamboo is all-natural, you won’t need to worry about toxic chemicals leaching into your food or drink.

Plant. Consider planting bamboo in your yard to add a natural privacy fence. This tall, fast-growing plant is easy to care for, looks beautiful, and can provide you with additional shade.

Essential oil diffuser. Create a spa-like environment at home with a beautiful bamboo essential oil diffuser. You’ll enjoy the natural fragrance of oils in your home while choosing a sustainable diffuser that adds a beautiful aesthetic to your bathroom counters.

Makeup remover pads. Choose bamboo makeup remover pads to replace disposable cotton rounds. These soft pads will gently remove makeup without harming your skin, and they’re reusable, saving you money and reducing household waste.

How to plant and grow bamboo

Here are a few tips to help you plant and grow your very own bamboo at home.

Pick the right species. Start by selecting the right bamboo species for your specific location. Running bamboo grows fast, while clumping bamboo only grows at a rate of between one and four inches in diameter per year. Check the information tag about the specific type of bamboo you want to plant to confirm that it can grow in your climate. Some bamboo may not survive if temperatures dip below a certain threshold.

Choose the right location. Plant your bamboo in full to partial sun and plant it at the same time you plant your other warm-weather veggies, plants, and flowers.

Prep the soil. Prepare the dirt by adding a bit of all-purpose garden soil to increase the level of nutrients for a healthy crop.

Water right. Bamboo thrives in humid, moist environments. Make sure that you water your bamboo plants regularly, particularly if you live in a drier climate or an area with little rainfall.

Feed it. About one month after you plant the bamboo, feed it during the growing season with quality all-purpose plant food.

Consider a container. You can grow bamboo in large containers to keep it from spreading. Just make sure that you water it more often, since the roots dry out much faster when it’s planted in a pot or other container.

Maintain it properly. Remove dead leaves and dead bamboo canes by pruning your bamboo plants every so often to keep them tidy and fresh.

Divide in spring. If you wish, you can divide your bamboo clumps in the springtime and replant them in various areas throughout your landscaping or yard.

Thanks to its incredible sustainability and many eco-friendly properties, it’s easy to see why bamboo is such important material. From construction building materials to towels and cutlery, this durable plant offers a wide range of applications for you to enjoy. Look for new ways you can make the switch, and incorporate bamboo into your life to make a positive environmental impact.

Use the code BAMBOOEB10 to receive 10% OFF all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products. Valid until July 5, 2021.

Happy Bamboo Living!
Team EB

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

May 28, 2021




It is NO secret that most of us were not sure this time would ever come, but alas, it seems that it is safe to travel and re-enter the world again! And what better time for this to come than the most anticipated of long weekends. Memorial Day Weekend.

The official kick off to the summer season seems to hold so much more value this year than it ever has. Finally, a sense of normalcy, and safety is so close we can touch it! With the vaccines being readily available, and restrictions for travel finally lifted, who isn’t excited to hit the road? 

Whether you are flying, driving, walking to the park or shore for a picnic, or hopping on a bus or a train to get where you need to go - Ever Bamboo wants you to take us with you! 

Now is the time to stock up on Ever Bamboo Charcoal Pouches to keep all the summer fun fresh and odour free. 

With our shoe deodorizers, fridge and freezer pouches, bin, closet and room products - You  can be focused on enjoying your food, travel and summer activities without worrying about humidity, must and odour stinking up your things. From Pet Beds and beach coolers, to summer totes and beach bags - Ever Bamboo Pouches will save the stinky day!

Every pouch is easy to keep activated by simply putting it in direct outdoor sunlight for 2 hours on each side after a month of heavy use. Doing this will keep the product good for up to one year! Then, after that, you can simply cut open the pouch and pour the activated bamboo charcoal granules into your garden to keep moisture in the soil regulated. Sustainable, Reusable and recyclable. WHAT is better than that!

To celebrate the holiday, Ever Bamboo is offering 15% off all of our deodorizers. Use the code SUMMERSALE15 at checkout, valid until June 7, 2021. We hope this will help start your summer off right. 

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and an adventurous, stink free summer!
Team EB


Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

April 22, 2021



And It is Time We Listen.

One thing is certain, dealing with a global pandemic has taught us how to appreciate the simple things. At a time when separation from ‘other’ became the new norm, we had to search inward to find our ‘happy’. All the things we took for granted in our everyday lives and social habits were suddenly pulled out from under us. Home became the new out - and outside space became a refuge. For many of us, the only thing that felt normal was being in nature. Now more than ever, we have come to realize how vital it is to protect it.

Like every obstacle we are faced with, there is always an experience that we gain from it. 
A lesson to learn. A discovery made. A reckoning with certain truths. A silver lining. 
And for Mother Earth - it was all of the above.

What we learned from the planet during this global pandemic, is that our carbon footprint is way too heavy for Earth to carry without serious repercussion. The environment suffers daily at the hands of humans, and finally we have come to understand this not only with our eyes and senses, but with the science and data that has been meticulously documented after a year of global lockdowns. The only viable path forward is the one in which we fully realize that we CAN and must change how we tread on our planet.

For the past 12 months, global emissions were the lowest they have been in YEARS. Cities steeped in haze suddenly cleared. Lakes and Rivers saw a significant decrease in water pollution as the land around them started to thrive again as Mother Nature rose to her fullest stature.

In short, the entire planet had the chance to hit the ‘reset button’. 
Now, it is our responsibility to keep it on this healthier trajectory. The insights of the past year clearly show us that we must find a middle ground, where the dynamics between our man made and natural energies can co-exist.
Recovery is the unintended gift of the pandemic.

At Ever Bamboo - we have always seen the value in sustainable, renewable, and recyclable products. It is part of our story, and why we came to be. Our bamboo charcoal pouches - with proper care - last for up to a year, and then can be cut open to release the charcoal granules into our gardens, terrariums, or houseplants where they go on to regulate moisture in the soil. 

More and more of us are steering clear of harsh, chemical laden candles and toxic sprays to remove odours and must from our living spaces. Instead, we are ‘rethinking’ how we deal with stink. And we are doing so for ourselves, our families and our one and only planet.

Earth is our only home. It’s time we treat it with care and show it the love it deserves. If not now, when? 

Use the code EARTHDAY15 to receive 15% off our deodorizers and dehumidifiers. Valid until May 3, 2021.

Happy Earth Day from Ever Bamboo.
And remember - #RethinkTheStink


Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

February 12, 2021



Ok, maybe not all of it…

But sometimes the things we love most really can be a challenge for our noses!

So, we’ve compiled a helpful list of beloveds, and the most compatible pouch that will help them STAY beloved.

Let’s start with Spot. We LOVE Spot. Spot is cute. His stink? Not so much!
And Petunia the kitty? Let’s just say her litter box area has smelled better days. Enter the Room deodorizer. Just pop it in your furries favorite places to be and wella - Stink can’t get its paws on you!

Moving on to the house - where we have ALL been spending some extra time. We LOVE that our significant other has decided to take up gourmet cooking with all the extra time at home this year, but that curry concoction they cooked up? Let’s just say the lingering stink was not our favorite part. And when these smells get trapped in clothes? The Laundry Room may need a little extra love until wash time too. Enter Ever Bamboo Pouches for trash bins, hampers, fridge and freezer. Just pop a pouch, and wella - Suddenly, we are on board for the fresh fish we just picked up.

Now being that outdoor time has become most essential during the pandemic - we have truly come to LOVE and appreciate mother nature and all of her seasonal offerings. If you are fortunate enough to be in year round warm weather - chances are good that you have taken to the great outdoors or the sandy shores. As a result, you have probably discovered that must and humidity are two of the biggest stink makers in the business;) On the other hand, if you are like us, and find yourself in the middle of the frozen tundra (ok, more like one of the coldest winters ever) - perhaps hockey, skiing and sledding are filling your snow days. 

Whichever seasonal weather you find yourself in, Ever Bamboo has a pouch for you to just ‘pop’ where the stink hides, and chances are good that once you pop it in, you won’t want a permanent ‘break up’ with those stinky shoes, ice skates, gym bags, coolers, and hockey bags! 

So you see, while Ever Bamboo cannot save your stinky ‘love life’ - we most certainly can rescue the life you LOVE from stink!

To celebrate who and what you’re loving most these days, Ever Bamboo would like to give you a little love by offering YOU a little Valentine.  

Use VALENTINE15 to receive 15% off our deodorizers and dehumidifiers. Valid until February 22, 2021.

With love, and hopes that you will enjoy a STINK FREE VALENTINES DAY
Team EB


Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

December 22, 2020



Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring - (except your computer mouse!)

Last minute presents being shipped here and there
The stockings all hung by the chimney with care.

This holiday season is more quiet than most
As we hunker down from coast to coast.

Perhaps we miss the joy of the season, 
The parties and gatherings we are so used to seeing.

But we’re making adjustments and setting aside time
For zoom calls and facetime and a whole lotta wine!

But somewhere inside, what we know to be true
Is that all things must end and the pandemic will too.

Vaccines around the corner, hope around the bend
Let’s face it - we can’t wait for this year to END.

But somehow at Christmas, the days feel brighter
Our gratitude grows and our burdens feel lighter.

In the quiet moments, we have come to see
What is most important is friends and family.

So however you gather, whether near or far
Remember the blessings that lay where you are.

The gifts that matter most don’t come in a box
They’re not under a tree, or stuffed in a sock.

They are the ones that grow in our heart
The inseparable bonds of which we are a part.

So from our family here at Ever Bamboo
We wish joy and good health to your family too.

May the new year be filled with hope and love
And may all of your challenges be risen above.

So as we wave goodbye to this very long year
We hope 25% off our deodorizers and dehumidifiers will add to your cheer.
***Use the code CHRISTMAS25. Valid until Jan 4, 2021.

Have a happy, healthy and joyful Holiday Season.

Until Next Year, 
Team Ever Bamboo


Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.