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April 21, 2023



It seems likely that by now, everyone knows, and understands the importance of Earth Day. First celebrated in 1970 to bring attention to the negative impact that our collective human activities were having on the global environment - it has now become an annual event that is celebrated worldwide to raise awareness about climate change, and the importance of environmental protection and sustainability.

On this day, people all over the world participate in various activities that help to promote environmental consciousness and conservation. Things like planting trees, organizing beach cleanups, participating in recycling programs, and advocating for policies that promote sustainability are just a few examples of how we are tackling climate change and global warming both individually, and on a corporate level.

From the rising water levels caused by glacial melting - to the destruction of natural and much needed resources of the Amazon RainForest - the woes we face globally will be catastrophic if we cannot navigate the challenges we are now in the throes of. And quite frankly, we are running out of time. Each and every little thing we do in our daily lives should be fueled by the urgency of this crisis. But we often wonder, can I alone make a difference?

The answer is a resounding YES!

How, you ask? It’s simple and these are just a few examples.

Every time we conserve water. Every time we compost. Everytime we ease our carbon footprint. Everytime we use glass instead of plastic. Everytime we say no to fast fashion. Everytime we recycle. Everytime we reuse. Everytime we reduce waste. Every time we support companies and politicians whose policies fight for and contribute to a greener world. These simple things - when done individually - contribute to the efforts of a larger collective. After all, there is no Plan B. We have this one earth. It is our duty to care for and protect it.

Earth Day is an important reminder that we all have a role to play in working together to ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. And the time is now.

We can do this!

Have a Happy, stink free Earth Day from Team Ever Bamboo.

Enjoy 20% off with code 20EARTHDAY20 on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products, valid until May 1, 2023.

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

March 31, 2023


The Big Spring Clean

Some dread it. Others look forward to it. Many of us fall somewhere in the middle.

Spring is a time of renewal, rejuvenation, and growth. It’s a time when the world comes back to life, and we feel the urge to shed our winter coats and start fresh. And what better way to start fresh than by giving your home a good spring cleaning!

Spring cleaning is an age-old tradition that dates back centuries. It’s a time when people clean their homes from top to bottom, getting rid of clutter, dust, and dirt that has accumulated over the winter months. But spring cleaning is more than just a way to tidy up your home. It’s a way to refresh your mind, body, and soul.

Here are some tips for making the most of your spring cleaning:

  1. Make a plan: Before you start cleaning, decide which areas of your home need the most attention and which tasks you want to accomplish. Make a checklist of everything you need to do and prioritize your tasks.

  2. Declutter: Spring cleaning is the perfect time to get rid of things you no longer need or want. Go through your closets, drawers, and cabinets and get rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose. Donate items that are still in good condition, and throw away anything that is damaged or unusable.

  3. Start from the top: When cleaning a room, start from the top and work your way down. Dust off ceiling fans, light fixtures, and shelves first, then move on to the furniture and floors.

  4. Use natural cleaners: Spring cleaning is a great time to switch to natural cleaners. Not only are they better for the environment, but they are also safer for your family and pets. Lemon juice, vinegar, and baking soda are all great natural cleaners that can be used for a variety of tasks.

  5. Get the whole family involved: Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a one-person job. Get your family involved and turn it into a fun activity. Assign tasks to each family member and make a game out of it.

  6. Don’t forget the outside: Spring cleaning isn’t just for the inside of your home. Take some time to clean up the outside as well. Sweep off your porch, clean your windows, and power wash your siding.

  7. RETHINK THE STINK and stock up on our EVER BAMBOO deodorizer pouches. With just one ingredient - bamboo charcoal - these pouches are chemical free, unscented, and easy to use while providing a great solution to all things ‘stinky and damp’! Because of the porous nature of bamboo charcoal, these pouches literally pull moisture and odor from the surrounding air wherever they are placed! From your fridge and freezer to your closets and gym bags - We have a pouch that will do the trick in spaces big or small.

Spring cleaning is a great way to refresh your home and your spirit. Use these tips to make the most of your spring cleaning and enjoy the feeling of a clean and organized home. Now, get to work!

To celebrate the big Spring Clean, use code 10OFF_SPRING for 10% discount off all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products, valid until April 11, 2023.

Have a wonderful, Stink Free day!
Team EB.

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

December 21, 2022


The Magic Of Christmas

Once again, the holidays are here!
Filling our hearts with goodness and cheer. 

Family and friends travel far and wide
To gather with loved ones and be by their side.

The stockings are hung, presents tied up in bows.
The tree is lit up, and ornaments posed.

Cookies are baking, the fire is ablaze -
(And grandma’s eggnog has us in a haze) 

As we come together to celebrate the season.
There’s no better time to keep believing. 

In the goodness and compassion of our fellow man
Doing good deeds wherever we can.

Imagine a world where this was the way
We loved one another each and every day. 

A world where everyone has a place
No matter your gender, religion, or race. 

A world where the truth was spoken with ease.
Not grinded down to simply appease.

This is also a time for us to remember,
Not everyone is filled with joy in December. 

In parts of the world there is war and unrest.
Let us keep them in our thoughts, and hope for the best.  

There are many who hunger, and many in need.
Perhaps for them you can spare a kind deed. 

Just remember the love that you give
Comes back around as long as you live.

So Pay it forward wherever you can
And let the joy of the season guide your hand.

From all of us here at Ever Bamboo
We wish a Happy Holiday Season to you.

May your bellies be full, and your homes warm and dry
And may you cherish these moments as they pass us by.

May you prosper and flourish in 2023
And remember to always keep it  STINK FREE!

Happy Healthy EVERYTHING from Team EB.
Enjoy 15% discount with code "15OFF_MERRYXMAS" on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products, valid until January 2, 2023. 

Check out our Multi-Pack Santa Special: Santa's Good Lumps of Coal

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

November 24, 2022


The Attitude of Gratitude.

We have it, and we want to share it with YOU!

Hello Ever Bamboo’ers! It’s that wonderful time of year again, where gratitude and thankfulness make their presence known. The holiday season is often a time to pause. To gather. To reflect. And to celebrate our families, friends, and the often overlooked daily blessings that fill our lives. Our collective rough edges seem to soften and smooth, as a warm blanket of kindness and generosity seems to bring out the best in ourselves and others, and gratitude fills our hearts as the year approaches its final weeks. 

This year, Ever Bamboo wanted to say a very special thank you to all of YOU. We value you so very much, and cannot express how grateful we are after nearly 20 years in business, to have you with us on this journey of cleaner living, and a more sustainable approach to life’s stinky stuff. Our Ever Bamboo customers truly believe in a better future for the planet, and make choices each and every day to support that - including buying our products.

Bamboo is one of the most rapidly growing plants on earth, sprouting as much as 3 feet or more in a single day! Because of this, the harvesting and regrowth cycle is conducive to the bamboo EVERYTHING craze that has swept the globe over the past decade!! And for our Ever Bamboo pouches in particular, the porous nature of bamboo charcoal is what allows for the absorption of humidity, and odors that are naturally pulled from the surrounding air wherever a pouch is placed.

After one to two months of continual use (depending on the level of odor and moisture) the pouch can be completely reactivated by placing it outside in direct sunlight for 2 hours or so on each side (if you haven't signed up for the monthly email reminders yet, sign up here). This reactivation can be repeated for up to a full year, making our products superstars in the sustainable world of reducing and reusing. But perhaps the cherry on the cleaner living cake is that after a full year of use, the activated charcoal granules in the pouch can then be recycled right back into the earth! By cutting the pouches open, and then sprinkling the charcoal granules into gardens or terrariums, they will go on to help regulate moisture in the soil. Hello healthy, thriving, flowers and plants! 

Ding ding ding. Jackpot! What more could we possibly ask for.

Finding ways to contribute to a smaller carbon footprint by using a ‘one ingredient’ natural product - rather than opting for candles and heavily perfumed sprays that often list toxic chemicals in their ingredients - makes for a much healthier home for our families and pets. 

Another important difference between these options and Ever Bamboo, is that these products only MASK odors. Ever Bamboo works to eliminate them. Don’t believe us? Test a pair of our shoe deodorizers out in a stinky pair of shoes for 24 hours. We are pretty sure you will be thrilled with the result.

All in all - we think that we have a whole lot to be grateful for. And it turns out that you seem to appreciate those things as well. 

Whether you have been on this journey with us since the beginning - or are just discovering us now - here’s to YOU! We remain grateful to you - our loyal customers and friends - who continue to take the path to more sustainable living, and a healthier home for you, your family and your pets. 

We wish you a Happy, Stink Free Thanksgiving filled with all the joy and gratitude your heart can hold. 

With thanks,
Team E.B.

Please use code THANKYOU22_10OFF to enjoy a 10% discount on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products, valid until December 5, 2022.

Check out our Multi-Pack Santa Special: Santa's Good Lumps of Coal  

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

October 28, 2022


A Change of Season

And a reminder to re-activate your pouches!

Hello all of you wonderful stink slayers and bamBOOzlers!
It has definitely been a minute since our last blog post - and we couldn’t imagine a better time for an autumnal comeback than Spooky Season.

Now as beautiful as the autumnal months can be, they do seem to arrive with a whole new slew of stinks. And we are ready.

As the weather turns, many of us find ourselves stowing away the flip flops, bathing suits and beach bags -  and reaching instead for warmer clothing, boots and winter wear. We restock our drawers and closets with our winter cozies, while packing up our summer memories along with our swimsuits, shorts and flip flops. And while we may take great care to be mindful about storing our seasonal belongings, STINK does not.


Packing seasonal things away? Pop a Pouch!
Storing that cooler and the beach totes in the garage or the basement for the winter? Pop a Pouch. Changing over our tennis and baseball bags to football and hockey? POP A POUCH!
Anywhere that stink can creep up on us is the perfect place to pop a pouch.

And speaking of pouch popping, perhaps many of you have been utilizing your Ever Bamboo pouches during the summer months. Well - just a little reminder that with proper care, each Ever Bamboo charcoal pouch can fight humidity, must, and stink for a whole year!
Just 2 hours of direct sunlight on each side of your pouch - and they are as good as new, and ready for another few months of stink slaying!

Just as the change of season reminds us to turn back our clocks - Spooky season reminds us to reactivate our pouches.(Yes, we can bring them back from the dead! How is THAT for a bewitching spell :)

After all -  We have enough ghoulish things to deal with this time of year!

Happy Halloween Everyone!
Don’t forget to put the BOO in Bamboo;)

Have a Happy, Stink Free Autumn.
Team EB

PS: Enjoy 15% off with code OCTOBER22_15OFF on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products, valid until November 7, 2022

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

June 30, 2022



And it’s time to Rethink That Summer Stink.


Summer is upon us, and so is all the sun and fun and ‘stink’ of the season. Whether you are hitting the highways and back roads for a long awaited summer road trip, or parked and chilled at vacation headquarters by the lake or the sea - long, hot, humid summer days are finally here - and so are the damp, stinky shoes, swimsuits and beach bags that always come along for the ride.

Here at Ever Bamboo - we have a few ideas that will help you combat the worst of the summer stink offenders! Here are some suggestions for ways to use our Ever Bamboo Bamboo Charcoal Pouches throughout the summer season. We promise, your nose will thank you.

1 - Keep your clothes stink free by popping our mini travel pouches into your luggage, and your summer gym tote!! We know it’s not always easy to do laundry while on the road, and sometimes, that gym bag can be forgotten about until that damp stinky tee reminds you it’s still there!  And don’t even get us started on the forgotten beach towels in the trunk;)

2 - Pop one of our fridge and freezer pouches into your coolers or hiking knapsacks to keep leftover or unfinished food from stinking up. We cannot tell you how many times we have forgotten to empty the cooler - and how often the end result is pure stink!

3 - Spending time outdoors sightseeing, or on hikes or bike rides is gonna leave you with some stinky socks and shoes.  Simply pop a pair of our shoe or boot deodorizers in your kicks at the end of the day! We promise it will be like they never left the house!

4 - In the summer your trash cans and indoor bins can really start to smell in the heat. Just pop a ‘bin’ pouch under the bag or on top of the bin lid. You wouldn’t believe the difference it makes.

5 - Great tip: Slide the boot pouches right into your summer sandals and slides at the end of each day. Doing so will ensure you wake up to stink free beach shoes no matter how bad your tootsies stunk the day before!

Most importantly, remember that Ever Bamboo pouches last for up to a year with proper care. After a month of heavy use, just lay each pouch in direct outdoor sunlight for two hours on each side. Doing so reactivates the charcoal granules and they are now like new again! Onward they go to fight stink for another month! Repeat this for up to a year, and then cut the pouches open and sprinkle the charcoal granules into your garden or terrarium where they go on to regulate moisture in the soil. Yes, we even have an afterlife:)

Just like those lazy hazy dog days of summer, caring for your Ever Bamboo charcoal pouches requires very little effort - and a whole lotta sunshine. Not a bad way to keep your nose happy.

To celebrate the quintessential summer holidays – Canada Day and the Fourth Of July - We are offering you a 10% promo code "10OFF_SUMMER"  on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products to stock up for your summer travels. Valid until July 11, 2022. 

We hope that you have a happy, stink free summer!
Team E.B.

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

April 22, 2022



And we can do our share by continuing to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rethink.

The cries are becoming louder and louder for immediate action on Climate Change. And we, as global citizens, are being called upon to do ALL of the above. 

But sometimes, it feels so overwhelming that we often feel at a loss for how we can singularly contribute to such a collective problem. Well, believe it or not, there are myriad ways - both big and small - that our daily lives can indeed effect change.

The first is something you’ve no doubt read about for years. Reducing our carbon footprint. Doing that looks like little things at first - like replacing paper and plastic with cloth or glass. By doing away with disposables like plastic containers and paper napkins. Doing this leads us effortlessly into the next phase of only using ‘Reusable’ products. 

Reusing glass and cloth can save hundreds of pounds of waste a year and keep that much more out of landfills and dumps. Now while it is not always possible to utilize reusable items, it is ALWAYS possible to ‘recycle’. 

From paper and plastic, to tins and glass, there is a proper place for disposal that we must continue to implement in our daily lives. Recycling bins and programs are even the law now in many communities, states and countries. Recycling does so much more than save the planet from overrun landfills! It actively contributes to the other two - reduction and reuse! They are all connected, and they all work in tandem to aid the crisis we are facing.

So how can we get there faster? We RETHINK! 

At Ever Bamboo - our motto is #RethinkTheStink. Why? Because when we take the time to “rethink” what we allow in our homes - like scented candles and room sprays that are often laden with toxic chemicals and perfumes - we come to realize that they are not the ONLY options for dealing with life’s stinky stuff! 

Each Ever Bamboo Charcoal Pouch is made from one ingredient - Bamboo Charcoal. It is non toxic, unscented, and safe for our families and pets.
With proper care (direct outdoor sunlight on each side for 2 hours monthly) our products last up to a year. Once that year is done, you can then cut the pouch open and scatter the charcoal granules into your garden to regulate moisture in the soil. 

See what we did there? We utilized the three R’s.
We reduce by making it reusable AND recyclable. 
From earth to earth. It’s like the ‘circle of life’ in clean living!

Knowledge is power, and when we have knowledge, we then have the power to make more informed choices which lead to a healthier, safer home.
The simple steps of reducing, reusing, recycling and rethinking can be easily applied to our everyday lives, and take us one step closer to a happier, healthier planet. 

Ever Bamboo is all in, and we think you should be too! So as an incentive to put these words into action, here is a 15% discount. 
Enjoy your 15% OFF with code "EARTH2022_15
" on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products starting now until May 2, 2022.

Have a happy, Stink FREE Earth Day!
Team E.B.

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

April 01, 2022


And just like that It is Springtime again.

And there is never a better time to freshen things up!

As we start to venture out into all the glory that is spring… Many of us are reaching for our closets and armoires to switch out our winter clothes for our springtime wardrobes. 
Those big winter boots and parkas have earned a rest, and a refresh. And as you pack it all away for next year - we have some spring tips for keeping everything fresh, and stink free!

We’ve compiled a little list of helpful ways Ever Bamboo can keep stink at bay. 

  1. Winter Shoes and Boots - As you tuck them away for next year, pop one of our Ever Bamboo Charcoal Pouches into each one. This will absorb all the foul odors of constant wear throughout the winter, and you find them refreshed and odorless when you reach for them next year.

  2. Closets and Drawers - We all know that musty mothball smell that knocks us over when we open an old chest of drawers or a closet that hasn’t seen the light of day for a few months. Is your closet musty?? Then treat it JUSTLY with our closet and drawer packets. Pop a few in the pocket of your coats, or in your chest of drawers to pull any moisture and odor from the area. Wella - this is a closet you will WANT to go into. 

  3. Locker rooms and gym bags - Sure know how to fester stink. But with our room deodorizers and travel size mini’s - sweaty stink will be a thing of the past. The only thing you will smell is the scent of victory!

  4. Fridge and Freezers - Yes, they need a refresh too! Just because it’s cold doesn't mean it can’t stink! Our fridge and freezer deodorizers will have your fridge and freezer smelling like a spring garden….

  5. And Speaking of gardens… did you know that after one year of proper use and reactivation (2 hours of outdoor sunlight on each side every month or two depending on the stink) each Ever Bamboo pouch can be cut open so that the charcoal granules can be used to regulate moisture in your terrarium or outdoor garden soil? That’s right! Even after a full year of fighting stink, must and humidity - the charcoal granules STILL keep working. The value shows itself not just in the nose, but in the wallet!

So as you venture into the next season, remember to take us with you. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall…. We have a pouch for any stink at all! 

To celebrate the arrival of the season of renewal, here is a 10% discount. 
Enjoy your 10% OFF with code "March_10" on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products starting now until April 11, 2022.

Have a happy, stink free Spring.
Team EB

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

February 11, 2022


A Very Stink Free VALENTINE

Roses are red. 
Green is bamboo. 
Here is a Valentine 
From us to you!

Once upon a time in a land far away 

We discovered bamboo can grow 3 feet a day!


Bamboo is a grass, but it’s stronger than wood.

It saves trees, and time, and does a whole lot of good.


You can find it everywhere nowadays

It can be used in such versatile ways!


But Bamboo Charcoal is one of the stars

That gives such power to products like ours.


It comes in a pouch that you place anywhere

that STINK has invaded your surrounding air!


In a closet, a drawer, a bin or a shoe

A fridge or a freezer and a gym bag too.


Where Spot likes to sleep, where a laundry pile grows

Ever Bamboo is like a salve for the nose!

No toxic chemicals. No perfumey smells

Just one ingredient that does its job well.


And since we enjoy sustainable living.

Ever Bamboo is the pouch that keeps giving!


Just pop it outdoors under direct sunlight

2 hours per side, and then on with the plight!


Now after a year of reusable splendor

It has an afterlife it has yet to render!


These powerful granules are ready to toil

As they regulate moisture levels deep in the soil.


Just cut the pouch open and sprinkle away

And watch your garden grow happily each day!


So as you can see, the love is strong

We are proud of this journey and love having you along!

To thank you, and show you just how we feel. 

Here’s a valentine’s day code that’s one heck of a deal.

10% on any deodorizer and dehumidifier that you LOVE!


Happy Valentine's Day! 

Love, Team EB


Enjoy 10% OFF with code "vday2022_10" on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products starting now until February 21, 2022.


Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.

December 11, 2021



A Christmas Story.

Once upon a time in a land far away

A man named Clause was preparing his sleigh.


The gifts were all wrapped and his belly was full

The reindeer were ready for the all night pull.

But something was amiss on this one Christmas Eve.

There was a stink in the air he just couldn't believe!


He wandered the workshop sniffing away

Searching for clues to this ‘stink’ of dismay


He soon found his elves in a bit of a quandary

It had been WEEKS since they did their laundry.


Now Santa understood Elvin chores were neglected

In the rush of Christmas, it was to be expected!


They tried candles of pine and a peppermint spray

But these things could not keep the STINK away!


So Santa knew what he had to do...



On counters, in stockings, in closets and shoes

In trash bins and fridges and Elfin drawers too!


The jingle bells rang and the room filled with Glee

Big happy smiles were all you could see!


And the Christmas Spirit now filled the air

Replacing the stink that used to be there.


Mrs. Claus gave a nod of approval

And the Elves were in AWE that the stink was bamboozled!


Santa climbed on the sleigh in his big red coat

Pleased with himself -  but not one to gloat;)

And we heard him exclaim as he rode out of sight

EVER BAMBOO FOR ALL - and to all a good night!


From our Ever Bamboo family to yours we wish you 

A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Team Ever Bamboo


Enjoy 15% OFF with code "SANTASGOODLUMPSOFCOAL15" on all our deodorizer and dehumidifier products starting now until December 27, 2021.

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here for fun read and exclusive offers.