In this day and age, nearly every single one of us are now recycling something, somewhere!
Plastic. Cardboard. Metal. Tin. Glass. THERE’S A BIN FOR THAT! The question is, what are the benefits beyond the bin?
Well it turns out, there are too many to name in a single blog, but perhaps we can shed some light on a few that are truly exciting and how they affect our choices every single day.
From household plastic and glass, to fabric scraps and textiles, the beauty of recycling is showing up in everything from clothing to art! Not only does this help the environment by reducing waste, it helps people around the globe support their families and communities with fair trade working wages!
For example, recycled silk saris in India are woven into threads and yarns that find a second act in clothing and textile jewelry. The artisans in Ghana use recycled glass to create beads and stones that dazzle on a necklace or ring.
And how about musical instruments made from recycled materials, like a cello made from an oil can and thrown away wood, check out the Recycled Orchestra from Paraguay (YouTube Clip), Pictures from the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix.
This kind of global approach to creative recycling and sustainable living has given rise to a green movement that shows no sign of stopping anytime soon.
Many notable corporations have become big players in incorporating ‘greener standards’ which now contribute to promoting cleaner air, water, energy and working environments. We see the shift from paper to electronic communications saving millions of trees a year. We see countries that have banned plastic bags and water bottles. We see starbucks mugs being refilled to the brim during the morning coffee rush.We see moms and dads teaching their kids about the benefits of composting leftover fruits and vegetables. We see our take out containers and packaging made with recycled cardboard and paper. It is truly an ever evolving movement that has the potential to one day create a barely there carbon footprint, but we still have such a long way to go, and this is where arming ourselves with knowledge will create opportunities to bring this day closer.
Here at Ever Bamboo, we proudly incorporate recycling into every product we make. Every single bamboo charcoal pouch lasts for a full year with proper care (which is a few hours in direct sunlight every few months) and then goes on to a very happy afterlife in your gardening soil or houseplants. After a year of use, each pouch can be emptied of its charcoal granules and used to regulate moisture in soil of any kind, making for healthy happy plants and gardens.
In this way, we see our product go full circle. Sourced from Nature, and back to nature. All while keeping unwanted odours and moisture at bay. It is no coincidence that “green’ is our dominant color!
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